10 March 2007

Houston, We Have a Problem

O.K., I think you can go back to purchasing yarn. I thought your stash was bad. It took me over two hours to get all this fabric onto my bed. Del walked by and shook his head at me. Even Ella kept telling me that I had way too much fabric. It's sick. I didn't think I had this much. I must have been in denial! But you can see all those beautiful brocades I got for 50% off over on the right and some of the fabrics have genuine projects planned for them; like say for instance, QUILLOWS! AAAHHHHHHH! The basket contains scraps. Even scraps as small as 2"x2" I tend to keep just in case. It's sick, I know. I have a special pile for Christmas fabric, a pile for clothing fabric and a pile for upholstery-type fabric. You can see several unfinished projects (including your Christmas present) there in plastic bags. Isn't it beautiful! I just love all that fabric! I love to feel it sliding through my fingers. I've got to figure out a way to store this stuff better so I know what I have. I tend to get frustrated with looking through my big clear box and just go to the fabric store and buy what I need. Maybe I should challenge myself to not purchase fabric for a six-month period of time and when I start a project just be creative enough to pick from my gi-normous stash. Well, I hope you feel better now. I'll be off; I need to clean up my mess...er, stash.


Marie said...

I do believe you win. I think we both need to go on a stash diet. No more purchases for a while. But maybe we could have one freebie. I mean, it's like those ladies who try to diet but they fall off the wagon cause they can't have chocolate. What do you think?

Anonymous said...

I love the flower garden quilt, just beautiful and so cheery.