So knitting has been my Achilles heel. I start projects, but get frustrated and confused and just stop. Months and months ago, when Marie first posted the pattern for the knitted baby booties that she just sent to Meagan, I decided to start a pair too. They looked cute and easy. No increases or decreases, garter stitch, squares only...I thought, "This, I can do." And I did! When I was on vacation this last week (which you can read about here if you want to), I made these booties:

Aren't they just adorable?? I used the washable wool that Marie gave me last summer. It is leftover from a sweater she made Caleb, and I had *just* the right amount of the dark green to finish a pair. I didn't want to add the flower detail since I am having a boy, so I just crocheted a chain stitch in light green around the top for a bit of detail. I am really happy with how they turned out. Plus, I just bought an outfit for the baby at an outlet store, and just look how well they match:
Come January, I'll show you his picture in the outfit with the shoes - as the outfit is a 3-6 month. But if history repeats itself, he'll be wearing that size in no time!
Thanks, Marie, for the inspiration and the yarn!!
That's awesome Johanna. I'm jealous.
They look great! I thought it was really easy knitting the squares, but a bit tricky to get the seaming just right. Good job!
Yeah, the seaming was a bit tricky. I didn't think they were as easy to line up as the directions indicated and I ended up pulling out my whip stitch a few times when it was to noticable. But I'm pleased with the final product. Now to see if they actually fit the baby...
That looks great! I love the color too. I think they go great with the outfit too.
I LOVE them!
I have been wanting to try out that pattern since Marie posted it as well :-)They turned out just great!
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