16 January 2008

A Great Relief

I know that several of you have had the unfortunate experience of seeing my scarey closet. It was packed full of so much stuff that you could hardly tell what was in there. I thought I could patiently wait for several months to declutter my bedroom and closet but I just couldn't handle it. I called my mommy and she and dad came down. Del and dad took the kids to the new Veggie Tales movie and me and mom decluttered. Look what we did! It is such a relief to be in my room now.


Johanna said...

Wow, carpet! I hope to be able to see the carpet in my closet soon too! :)

Tina said...

Oh, I miss America. You know most houses don't have closets here?(built-in wardrobes they call them!) As a matter of fact, in many houses that closet would be considered an extra bedroom! -sigh- I had a walk in closet once.... of course, you couldn't see the floor.

Unknown said...

Joanna, that is a closet to die for! Wow, a carpeted walk-in closet! In Norway closets are near non-existent. I am now in the throws of closet envy. Enjoy the organization!

Joanna said...

oh i'm so sorry that you don't have closets! we actually did use it for a room for lily for 3 nights just this past weekend so my parents could have the spare. it is a big walk-in closet. it's nice.