21 October 2007

Ball #2

I felt "crafty" today, so I made the triangle ball. I haven't yet figured out the trick to not making it look so pointed, but I am guessing maybe it comes with time of just being played with. I am already thinking about making another one, just a bit bigger though.
Joann's had just about the ENTIRE STORE on sale today. The lines were so long, which served as a deterent for me, but I was still suckered in and bought a few things, as if I needed something HAHA! Never the less...i had fun!


Marie said...

you have to stuff it more to get rid of the points. the fabrics look really great together.

Kainoa said...

Stuff it more??!!! It's so hard to close as it is. I hope I get better at this Puzzle ball puzzle.....

Kainoa said...

Now, I want to make a BIG one like the picture you posted!!!!

M said...

Yeah I know it is hard to close it like it is but the stuffing seems to condense the longer the ball is played with and if it isn't stuffed really well it will go flat and make those points. Also is better if you add the stuffing without having it in a ball shape. that was my first ball mistake... it makes the balls lumpy and then you can't close them as easily.

I also heard that you can throw them in the dryer for like 1 or 2 minutes on low to refluff them! Hmm, imagine that.

Joanna said...

interesting idea about the drier. isn't it funny how i throw pillows into the drier all the time to fluff them but never thought of the balls and they're made of the exact same thing. duh.